Petra 2017 Clutch Update - Babies 1st Shed (2015 Female Bumblebee Ball Python)
All 3 babies of Petra (2015 Bumblebee Ball Python) have now all had their first sheds. Over the last week, the first one shed, than 3...
Surprise Noodle Pit Viewing for 2 Alberta Families
Well today, as Phil's noodle Pit is in the final preparations to move back to Cranbrook, BC, we got a surprise call from a 2 family...
Petra 2017 Clutch Update - Babies Hatched (2015 Female Bumblebee Ball Python)
The babies are all out of the eggs after about a day worth of teasing (pipping out). Meet all 3 little miracles. Mother Petra (2015...
Petra 2017 Clutch Update - Eggs Cut @ Day 63 (2015 Female Bumblebee Ball Python)
Petra having Laid 4 eggs on May 10th 2017, we were left with 3 when one of the eggs started rotting roughly after the first month. We...
Petra 2017 Clutch Update - Eggs Denting (2015 Female Bumblebee Ball Python)
Day 61 (exactly 2 months) since Petra (2015 Female Bumblebee Ball Python) laid her first clutch of 4 eggs. Shouldn't be too much longer...